
All the Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Medically reviewed by Alan Carter, PharmD
Written by Marc Lewis
Duy Pham, Unsplash

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound that comes from cannabis plants that may be beneficial in the treatment of various medical conditions. CBD oil comes from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC (the psychoactive part of marijuana plants), meaning these plant extracts won’t get you high. The potential health benefits of CBD oil have gained much popularity for these dietary supplements.

Here you can learn everything you need to know about the many wellness advantages that CBD may have to offer.

Top 10 CBD Oil Benefits

  1. Relieves pain and inflammation
  2. Reduces anxiety
  3. May prevent seizures
  4. Improves mood
  5. Promotes better sleep
  6. Aids in the treatment of cancer
  7. Helps digestion
  8. Offers neuroprotective advantages
  9. Promotes better heart health
  10. Alleviates skin irritations
  11. May help combat addiction
  12. May help parents and children

1. Relieves pain and inflammation

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic effects that can help reduce pain. When CBD enters your body, it interacts with your endocannabinoid system, which has receptors and neurotransmitters that are responsible for pain sensation and inflammation.

One study published by Frontiers in Pharmacology found “the sensorial and affective dimensions of pain may be differentially modulated by CBD” in rats.

Other studies support the positive effects of CBD oil for arthritis swelling and joint pain.

CBD has also lended its pain-killing effects to patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in an oral spray called Sativex. This drug features a combination of THC and CBD and is approved in several countries to treat pain related to MS.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that the side effects associated with cannabis extracts like CBD oil are much less daunting than many over-the-counter and prescription pain killers. Not to mention the risk of dependency is also lower.

2. Reduces anxiety

Another common reason people use CBD oil is to help with stress and anxiety. Studies have shown CBD can reduce social anxiety, and there is also evidence supporting CBD as a treatment for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

CBD helps calm the body and mind by balancing out the stress-inducing hormones in your body like cortisol and adrenaline. Because of this, CBD oil for anxiety has helped many people combat feelings of nervousness and worry.

3. May prevent seizures

CBD is known to have anti-epilectic benefits, and many people take CBD oil for natural seizure treatment.

The only FDA-approved medication containing CBD is Epidiolex, which is indicated for the treatment of dravet syndrome (a rare form of pediatric seizures). While the FDA warned that more research is necessary before people start attributing more health claims to CBD, the approval of this medicine was decades in the making. 

CBD oil may reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of seizures, according to clinical trials of the drug.

4. Improves mood

When it comes to your overall mood, the impact of CBD on your internal hormonal balance can have positive effects.

In the same way that CBD modulates stress hormones to reduce anxiety, CBD oil can also regulate factors that affect your mood. This is especially valuable when it comes to depression and other mental health disorders that are greatly affected by mood. CBD oil may also increase the body’s access to serotonin and dopamine.

Related: CBD and Bi-polar Disorder

5. Promotes better sleep

Many people often mistake CBD oil for a sedative, but this is not the case. CBD simply enhances relaxation, which makes it easier to fall asleep at night, or stay asleep longer. Preliminary research also shows that CBD for insomnia may offer a way to alleviate some of the symptoms of this incurable condition.

It’s also worth mentioning that CBD for sleep works better when used in conjunction with other cannabinoids. If you are looking to take CBD oil for sleep, you may want to look for a full-spectrum CBD product to get the best results.

6. Aids in the treatment of cancer 

Cannabis has long been used to help relieve symptoms associated with chemotherapy, including nausea and vomiting. More recently, scientists are paying increased attention to the effects of how cannabinoids (like CBD) might inhibit the growth of tumors.

A study published by the Journal of Molecular Medicine found that CBD lowered the risk of colon cancer in lab rats. Another animal model showed that CBD inhibited the progression of cancer in several forms, including glioblastoma (GBM), breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer.

7. Helps digestion

It’s clear that CBD oil can help with inflammation that causes pain, but it can also ease symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and other digestive issues. 

As a hemp plant extract, CBD oil is rich in antioxidants that protect the gut lining and its cells to promote healthy digestion. Research studies support the use of CBD a therapeutic agent for gastro-intestinal issues as they’ve found that CBD reduces intestinal inflammation, which inturn mitigates intestinal damage.

Related: CBD for IBS

8. Offers neuroprotective advantages

As our bodies age, they become much more susceptible to neurodegenerative conditions like, parkinson’s, huntington’s, and alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for any of these medical conditions, and treatment only helps but so much.

However, there are ways that you can help defend against these diseases, and CBD oil offers neuroprotective potential. CBD has shown promise in neutralizing free radicals and combatting oxidation, which are thought to be leading causes of neural degradations.

With these neuroprotective properties, CBD may help prevent or delay the on-set of some neurodegenerative diseases. The compound can also help reduce inflammation within the brain, which research has linked to mood disorders.

Related reading: Parkinson’s and CBD

9. Promotes better heart health

Among other heart health benefits, CBD may be able to help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is linked to risky conditions like heart attack and stroke, but recent research suggests that CBD may prevent vascular damage.

It’s also thought that the anti-stress and anxiety wellness advantages of CBD aid in its ability to help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Studies show that CBD has reduced oxidative stress and prevented heart damage in animal studies.

Additionally, if a CBD tincture is made with hemp seed oil it is even more beneficial since hemp seeds are a good source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, and promote a healthy circulatory system.

10. Alleviates skin irritations

When ingested or applied sublingually, CBD oil may help balance the immune system and potentially prevent outbreaks. Alternatively, CBD creams and other topicals are especially helpful when it comes to alleviating skin irritations. 

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD work well when applied topically, and can provide relief to various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Topical CBD can also balance oil production of sebaceous glands that are responsible for clogged pores, which makes CBD for acne a potential treatment option.

Other Potential CBD Benefits

In addition to the top 10 benefits of CBD oil, there are plenty of other possible wellness advantages that this compound may promote. Below is a list of ailments that CBD may help with.


CBD may make more dopamine available to the brain, much like stimulant medications prescribed to treat ADHD. The 1:1 CBD/THC drug Sativex was shown to improve cognition and behavior in adults with ADHD.


CBD may dull the “reward” an addicted brain gets from opioids. It also may alleviate withdrawal symptoms.


In addition to combating seizures, CBD may help with aggressive behavior, repetitive behaviors, and hyperactivity and social issues.

Autoimmune Disorders

CBD may reduce chronic pain associated with inflammation, but it can also contribute to balance in the immune system.

Concussions, Head Trauma

CBD has neuroprotective properties and may help healing after brain trauma.


Cannabis has shown promise in regulating weight, preventing obesity, and stabilizing blood sugars. CBD may also help with chronic pain or improve circulation to off-set symptoms associated with diabetes. CBD has shown to lower the risk of diabetes in lab rats, and more studies are underway to see if CBD can treat or cure diabetes.

Related reading: CBD and diabetes

Eating Disorders

Research supports a profound connection between the endocannabinoid system, the brain, and eating disorders. CBD may help prevent obesity, or encourage weight gain in cases of anorexia.


Some research has connected migraines with endocannabinoid deficiencies and abnormal inflammatory responses, both of which CBD may treat.

Related reading: Is CBD oil effective for migraines?


CBD has antipsychotic potential that may help alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia.

Risks and Side Effects of CBD

The World Health Organization suggests CBD is generally considered safe to consume. With that being said, some side effects of CBD may include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Changes in appetite

These side effects tend to be rare, but there are additional risks that you need to look out for before purchasing a CBD oil. For one, CBD oil has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, CBD products are currently manufactured in an unregulated place, so consumers need to pay close attention to the quality, source, and ingredients that go into making a particular CBD oil.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor About CBD

It’s important to talk to your doctor before adding something new to your healthcare regimen, especially if you take other medications. Here are some questions to help you start a conversation with your doctor.

  1. Is CBD a possible treatment option for my condition?
  2. What are the risks associated with taking CBD or other cannabis derivatives to treat my condition?
  3. Would a cannabis derivative like CBD interfere with any of the medications I’m currently taking?
  4. How do the costs of cannabis-derived treatments compare the medications I’m currently taking?
  5. Are there journals or publications you can recommend where I can find additional information or hear more about the experiences of patients like me?

Key Takeaways on the Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD is not a cure-all, and shouldn’t be treated like one.

If you’re going to try CBD make sure you try a brand that believes in quality, tested products.

It’s important to keep in mind that research is on-going and human trials are limited. You should always consult a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any medication.

That said, CBD has also shown promise in treating several health conditions. Those benefits range from helping your body achieve balance to relieving symptoms, which allows you to get well.

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